On 1 July 2021, South Africa’s Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) came into force, hot on the heels of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). POPIA has nine actionable points to holding and using data, namely the client has the right to be informed of where his/her data is collected from and deleted if requested.

POPIA defines the processes of collecting, holding, storing, merging, linking, using or sending any electronic messages and information from within a company or ecommerce/websites etc.:

  • Telemarketing, email, sms, whatsapp (electronic communication) must be used with permission or delete information if requested.
  • New data may be purchased or used for telemarketing but companies must comply with the Act.
  • Contacting clients must be from a reputable email/phone number, Message must be relevant & an Unsubscribe button on the page or Text.

POPIA defines ALL personal information as information relating people, businesses & legal entity. This includes Credit card no and history, HR information, health records, age, race, address, religion, and political opinions.

Permission is the name of the game!

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